Burn the midnight oil!

High achievers burn the midnight oil.
How many times have you spent extra hours into the night just to
accomplish a task. As a student I know how it is during exam period,
students spend their nights in the classroom studying. Pushing
themselves to their limit.
This is a new and fresh year with fresh potentials. Decide to start
this year on a positive note. Make up your mind to spend extra hours
studying if you are a student. Extra hours working to push your
business to a greater height as an entrepreneur. I want you to tag
this year the year of extra efforts, the year of extra hours, the year
of midnight candles. Don't forget that the difference between
extraordinary and ordinary is the 'extra'. High achiever are referred
to as those who are awake when others are sleeping. They never wasted
their time during the day, they just decided to use part of the night
to do something extra.
Are you ready now to add the extra efforts and hours?
Inspirational and Motivational Tuesday (IMT).
